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What is the difference between raster and vector

Have you ever been told by a supplier that your logo is raster and needs to be supplied to them as a vector file?

I will try to explain the difference between the two.

Raster Graphics can be categorized by those that are made up of pixels (small blocks). They include photos and images downloaded from the web. Common formats for a raster file would be JPG or JPEG and PNG. Raster graphics are defined by their DPI (Dots Per Inch) which basically means the more dots the image contains, the better the quality will be. EG 72 DPI would mean a low quality file or (Low Res) and a 300 DPI file would be referred as a high quality file or (High Res). The most common problem encountered with raster graphics is that they loose quality or resolution when they are enlarged, and also the files can become very large in terms of megabytes (Mb) if they are made up at real size.
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